Today was my first day being a hitman! I was ordered to go inside this mans rather large mansion and kill him. I was eager to impress my boss, so I thought I would do it sneakily. When I reached the property, I saw the delivery man in his truck, taking in the groceries. Ii had the perfect plan. Taking the place of the delivery man would allow me free access to the inside of the mansion! Genius! I waited just out side the door for the deliveryman to come out. When he eventually emerged he stood and looked at me for a bit, before going to pick up another bag of groceries. This was my chance! I casually walked up behind him with my fiber wire, but somehow he saw me! I tried to snag him on my wire a few times, but he was already running for his delivery truck. I didn't want him to drive off, so I got out a couple of pistols, and shot at his van. Unfortunately for him, I had pulled the clever tactics, and he would have to turn around in order to get out the gate again. I held my ground and shot at his windscreen, he must have had some bullet proof glass or something, because usually delivery trucks aren't that tough. Anyway, he ran straight into me and shattered both my kneecaps. I didn't even get in the gate surrounding the house of the guy I was supposed to be killing! Oh well. Better luck next time!