Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Crogabond Surprizes.

At some point in the near future, good natured man Wayne will receive a very special prize via none other than the Australian Postal Service.
This includes:
  • The original "Geoff the robot with tourettes" comic, with added notes by Kaatridge, which he may one day be able to sell for a bag of chips or something, after convincing a drunk and incredibly gullible man that it is some variety of treasure map.
  • Baldur's Gate as supplied by Kaatridge, and which I know too little to make jokes about.
  • The extra special limited edition Crogabond bonus disc "Songs To Awkwardly Fuck Your Own Mother To" filled with songs by mostly me and with invigorating titles by Kaatridge, our lucky Wayne will soon be dancing to the likes of "Hairy Damn Legs (Short Short Problems)" and "All Chris Tuckered Out (How About You?)" I believe the title of the album contains more swearing than there is on the disc, to your dismay or delight.
  • Also just some padding. It was paper and it had peoples faces on it, but is unrelated.
Wayne won all these wonderful things just by telling us he exists! If you exist, why not tell us so! You may not get this wonderful prize, but services towards the Crogabond may see you being sent the delightful "Songs To Awkwardly Fuck Your Own Mother To" disc, which is sure to have you grooving all night long.
Leave a comment and e-mail with any questions for the Crogabond or declarations of existance. Maybe Wayne will drop us a line sometime when he receives his package! Wouldn't that be nice!

Fun Fact: At $7.20, the postage for Wayne's prize actually cost infinitely more than this website has ever made! Kaatridge tells me one day we might be earning CENTS.


Thank goodness, because if he cuts my pay anymore I will have to give him money to do my job.


  1. Oh, now I can't leave the house because if I leave the house I might have to wait even longer to get my prizes!

    I shall wait patiently by the front door. Which is conveniently placed right next to my computer. :)

  2. You guys need to setup a paypal donation thing. I'm so happy with my prizes! (They arrived this morning).
