We are not merely kids that have nothing better to do. Here is a picture of me, the CEO of this fine corporation:

This is me, wearing business goggles, obviously showing that I am a business man. I am agape here because they show you the future, where Harrison Ford is made of jelly, music is made of caramel and Kevyn and I are sitting on a couch surrounded and up to our hips with rats, bats and batrats, and we are both screaming about how lovely John Romero's breasts are.
Not enough proof? I have one of these business things on my desk, too:

This shows that I am mature and I am first class and top of the line in the business world. Sometimes I find it a quite useless trophy, as I have many trophies given to me by the gods of good will and business legitimacy, so I just use it as a sandwich-holder.

There is also jam on that top sandwich, and jam is a show of legitimacy. So you should think twice before you be getting that disgusting peanut butter shit on your sandwich.
So, getting to the point, since we are a legitimate business and all, I therefore call upon you to line up and give as as much caramel as you can get your working class hands on. In the near future, Kevyn and I are moving to Mexico and going to make it big as professional musicians and then I will become Caramelorka, lord of the late night caramel blues.
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