Some men like ponies. These men can accept their fate. Some men like discos. These men might have a harder time accepting their fate, but they have always known, deep inside their hearts. Their disco hearts.
Some men sing about Drunken Robot Pornography.

These men know what is going on. They strut the street like nobodies business, and are in your face like toxic waste. They are on this earth to show you, and only you, their true potential, and want to show you what they will become. They know where they are going, that's for certain.

But some dudes can't take it. They freak out. They crack. They take their sweaters and ironed pants, walk out the door, and leave Drunken Robot Pornography forever.
Not these men.
These men will shine. Shine.
P.S Dejobaan, your game totally worked it is fun to play. Can't wait 'till Musorqua!
Join the Dejobaan Chilling Out Broski's Fanclub here.
Rumor has it that Captain Awesome is god and deserves chocolates.